Tokel Talk NFT Podcast

The Wild World Of NFTs - Tokel Talk

Tokel Season 1 Episode 17

A gamer, actress/model got lucky with Ethereum & NFT’s. ETHeGirl talks about striking luck with Ethereum, Hollywood and placing herself in the metaverse with NFTs.

Lester from The Munchie Mafia is talking about NFTs saving endangered species of animals and how communities can come together to do good for the planet and the environment.

All that amidst market turmoil and more NFT adoption every day. 😀

Special Guests
🎙 Sarah Marie (@1ETHegirl)
🎙 Lester (@themunchiemafia)
🎙 NutellaLicka (@tokelplatform)

Host: Ejuliano (Tokel)
Co-host: Kelcie (Tokel)

Tokel - NFT Platform

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